Massage Etiquette Tips
Have you ever had a massage? If not, you're missing out on one of the most relaxing experiences ever. Before you book an appointment with me, make sure you know what to expect and how to act to make the most of your experience.
If you are ever in doubt about what to do, you can rely on standard etiquette guidelines, and ask me anything you're not sure about.
Impeccable Hygiene
No massage therapist wants to work on a dirty, odorous body and I'm no exception, so be sure to be freshly showered prior to our session. Not only do you owe this to the professional you've hired to knead your muscles, but you should also have the pride to take care of basic hygiene before your session. In the past, I have shut down sessions due to this and it's unfortunate, but it happens. This is probably the most important rule I have. I will also not work on anyone with skin conditions as this can irritate the skin more.
Be Open
Let me know what feels good and what hurts. If you don't speak up, I won't know. My job is to help release tension, not create it. I help you achieve this with light conversation, music, lighting, and anything else related to the session.
Be Honest
Let me know about any health issues you have. Whether it's high cholesterol, heart conditions, surgeries, or HIV, I know how to work with or around these medical conditions. In some cases, a massage may not be a good idea, and in that case, I will let you know. Keep in mind some medications can interfere with your blood pressure during a massage.